DOB: March 15, 2020
SV Pink Papers, AKC registered, SG, AD, ZAP, BH, IGP1, Kkl
Hips and Elbows: a1/a1 (ZW 75), DM n/n
Father: VA1 (EST) Henry Latmon IGP3, HD a1, ED a1, Kkl
Mother: V Odrin vom Klausener Grund IPO1, HD a1, ED a1
Amur was imported directly from Germany, and we are so in love with this young male! He is of perfect medium size and has excellent proportions, masculine head and intelligent expression,
powerful presentation, gorgeous top line, and fluent, harmonious and agile movement. Amur is a very rare for pure German Showlines dominant solid black. Amur might look intimidating, yet he is the sweetest dog you'll ever meet. He is
very affectionate and eager to please male, and loves hanging out with me in the office. Amur comes from a solid and proven in terms of health and temperament motherline, which is so important in a stud dog to carry on to the future generations. Amur has tested
n/n for DM and his hips and elbows look excellent.
Amur's 4-gen. pedigree combines world champion bloodlines of 2 x VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard (VA1 Pakros) and VA1 Zamp vom Thermodos, as well as an array of the best Excellent Select dogs of the world, such as VA2 Quenn, VA9 Furbo, VA7 Ussi, VA6 Arko, VA3 Erasmus, VA3 Dux, and other highest rated GSD.
Amur has completed his training and met all German requirements for breeding, including the Breed Survey, which requires proven hip/elbow health, BH, AD and ZAP tests, IGP title, and a show rating. He is now back home and will be siring his first puppies in 2024.
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DOB: October 24, 2013
AKC registered, VP1, SG1, SG2 (GSDCA), IPO3, High in Trial, Kkl
HD/ED: a1/a1 - normal (ZW 85)
Father: VA2 (Vice World Champ.) Nino von Tronje SchH3, Kkl1, a2/a2 (ZW 72) (V17 (BSZS) Irok Karanberg son)
Mother: V (BSZS) Tinka von der Waterkant IPO2, Kkl, a2/a1 (ZW 98) (VA8 Gigolo v d Bärenschlucht daughter)
Erastus ("Rusty") is living up to my high expectations! I picked him from our German "E" litter as he's shown a lot of promise early on - in his temperament, drives, and conformation. Rusty is the most good natured dog I've ever met. He simply doesn't know how big and strong he is, and is a total sweetheart. He is loyal, loves to play, loves to train, and tries so hard to please. He received High in Trail award in Germany for his IPO2 performance (see our News page).
Erastus has already placed extremely well in several large and small shows, with several 1st places under his belt, including SE Regional Youth champion and Midwest Young Dog champion, as well as Vice-Sieger (GSDCA SS 2015). Erastus von Lotta is large and substantial, well proportioned male with very nice pigmentation, very nice dark mask, high withers, straight back. Good forechest, and underchest. Coming and going is straight and he shows very powerful gaiting.
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